Langtech – The Nomadic Literate Life

Here you can find links to material useful for learning and teaching English within the context of applied linguistics. Many of the links point to applications or a description of the Software developed by Langtech.

Project Gutenberg Tests Online App


Project Gutenberg offers over 58,000 free eBooks. This application helps you search these ebooks and create English language texts from them. The application can be accessed here. Tests Online App

TED contains over 3000 talks by talented communicators on almost every topic. This app helps you explore these talks and create English language tests based on the transcripts. The application can be accessed here.

Wiki Tests Online and Android App


The Wiki Tests for Android app allows you to create tests from Wikipedia articles as an aid to learning English Vocabulary and Grammar. Information about the app can be found in the google play store, and help file. The online version is hosted by Pythonanywhere. The application can be accessed here.

Sentiment and Semantics Online App

The Sentiment and Semantics online app (Android version to follow), allows you to view tweets containing the search phrase you enter when presented with a popup after pressing one of the update buttons. The displayed tweets are classified according to their sentiment and can be analyzed with respect to their semantic content. Duplicates have been removed along with possible spam.

Wordplay Online App

On pressing “go” the button, the Wordplay online app will generate the following:

  • 10 random words with their definitions (WN)
  • 10 random words without their definitions (WL)
  • A crossword built using the wordnet semantic lexicon (CW)
  • A list of words where you have to pick the right defintion (MC)
  • 5 groups of 5 sentences where the same word has been removed from each  sentence within a group (GF)
  • Doublets – a game invented by Lewis Carroll (DL)

The uppercase letters enclosed in brackets refer to the tab names.

Kanji Review Online and Android App

The android application and online app consist of 7 pages. A help page, a page which lists the Radicals along with their definitions and 5 review pages where you can interact with the main application for learning Kanji and the Radicals. The first review page is for leaning the Radicals. The other 4 review pages are based on different Kanji lists which all overlap to some extent. The different lists are provided for reference and to make leaning a bit more interesting! You can plan your lessons by setting the range of Kanjis displayed. For instance 1-79 (LPT Level N5) or 613-979 (LPT Level N2).

You can put the app in review mode and test what you have learnt by viewing flash cards. Also, when interacting with the review pages the next Kanji can be displayed either manually or by starting the timer. The timer drop down menu initially displays “timer idle”. You can start the timer by selecting one of the “start n” options. The numbers are in seconds! The timer can be halted by pressing the “stop” button. While the timer is running you can alter the delay or turn “Review Mode” on/off.

On The Web – blog

This blog contains reading material and information about the English language. You can also find pointers to online resources for learning and teaching English and developing educational software.

The Nomadic Literate Life – blog

This blog describes why the applications and material described on this page were created.

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